gotta say sorry to mah hommies too. cos recently only the twins have been blogging despite their huge amount of homework! RESPECT MAN!
some of u guys might have already know that SPSU was organizing a flea event and our very own mayballine (spelling mistake intended) was part of the comitee:)
so to support her obviously we set up a booth! and we the twins and alicia just brought their old clothes to sell! and i swear it was damn awkward for us cos everyone seemed to have brought like blogshop stuff to sell but we just brought our kalang guni clothes WHICH WAS TOTALLY UNCOOL! but thank god rahul's clique (better known as YOUR FAVOURITE PEOPLE) came with us to share the embarrassment!:)
just look at this mess....
and the winner for the most retarded clothes goes too... ...............
i dont know why she brought like her baby clothes or comething!! it was like this latex leggings with zebra prints meant for toddlers!! LOLOLOL
but inside that mess there were some hidden gems!! and Marilyn, Rahul , Junda and i manage to find something for ourselves:) but honestly.. the flea was kinda fail. the crowd was kinda little and we dont understand why! i mean.. the twins and i went around school giving flyers with our cutesey shorts and cropped top! (its called marketing) SEX SELLS BITCH
oh well.. i guess the location was too secluded! HAVE ANYONE EVER HEARD OF W10!? i swear i didnt know where the flying fuck that place was until the flea!
lucky for us we manage to seell 3 items!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! 3 ITEMS! probably made abt 10 bucks = 10 bubble teas = 100 fishballs!!! NOT BAD DONT YOU THIKNK!
so after we knew all hope is loss from selling more clothes, we just decided to mess around with what was left!
can u guess who is that black thingy between me and marilyn???
a) Rahul
b) Rahul
c) Rahul
d) duh its rahul.. only he will play dressup with us!!!
his name is............................ JAVIER! the maxi dress looks amazing on him right!!
don't you just love such guys who are damn spontaneous and fun:)
ohh and little lionel dropped by too:)

awkward smile.. lolololol
oh and notice my head wear.. its alicia's spandex leggings i was talking abt! its fucking puny!!
and this is Jinda! the twins muay thai friend! i swear he is like the most violent thingy ever!!! AND HE SHOWS NO MERCY TO GIRLS!!! HAHAHA
AND FINALLYYY!!! we got a pic with anna:) her exams are done and we can hang out tgt at last:)
on a totally different note....
u guys know who is the biggest unicorn ever right? ITS RAHUL!
wiki's defination of unicorns goes like this "whenever a pony does a good deed, he gets a horn a becomes a unicorn who poops out cotton candy"
so in short unicorns are very special:)
and he gave us this awesome idea of setting up our very own unicorn club!
so we were thinking should we create a unicorn club in sp for everyone who believes they are special!
its a club to bond and to create a sense of belonging to the sch! like how we felt in SAC!
and we will have cool events I SWEAR!
for examples will have days where everyone dressup to sch in a certain way like nerdy or in a uniformed colour!
right now this seems really far fetched..... but with some support its gonna be LEGENDARY!
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