i will not arrange them in order since its sooooo mafan. LOLOLOL. Beware of spammage!
HAHAHAH i swear we look retarded and we are only right in front of the stage.

When the lead singer ask a guy to not block his view of us, i guess this is the reason why he cant take his eyes off us.. HAHAHAHAHAH
JK did that so as to cover the pimple on her lips.. hahhahaha hope the pimple grow bigger then she have to grow a mustache.
And marilyn had to be special and plaits her hair. whatever.. HAHHAHAHI cant believe marilyn is still blaming me for eating her cherry.................
AAHHHH marilyn is feelin hot.

here comes nurse amanda...
HER TITTIES ARE huge... LOLOLOLOL. okay idk why i did that.. *embarrassed*
SO MANY PEOPLE IN DA CAR. Beats paying for taxi still.
Er marilyn and eveline trying to ootd behind.. HAHAHA
Alicia's eyes ah...
Ali's eyes AGAIN..
The sweetes daddy!!! He came to find us at timbre! hehehehe.
AMANDA GOT ASIAN FLUSH!!! her face is always this red and it made her concealer evn obvious! LOLOLOL dont kill me.
The main picture is not me..
Alicia damn bad.... she made me N eve do this face then she look at us like that..
Amanda artsy post...
First time eating the duck pizza! its pretty awesome! but amanda say they scam us because the crust is so thin... Er.... LOL
They are the sweetest people on earth!!! they made a card w our picture on it. DAMN SWEET RIGHT! hahahah! i love them to bits i swear:)
Sigh im having mixed feelings about going to japan for a month:( It's gonna be the first time i'm going overseas by myself.... i had marilyn and maggie mag mag w me my whole life.. LOLLLL. okay.. er... awkward.. And its like once im back BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMZZ im 18. HAHAHAHA yes man!!!!!!! But burning the holidays is damn sad:(
On a brighter note, i get to take one module lesser when im back:) and i get to eat salmon everyday!! But i will prefer KFC tho.. hahaha
I will miss everyone of you................. :( goodbyezxcczxczx.... hahah one month say until like go for damn long. LOL
Okay time to pack my stuffs! Tooooodlesss.
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